There were sixteen prayer requests today when I came into the hospital’s chapel to do my weekly prayer team commitment. As I re-read the requests, I thought about the individuals who were asking for prayer: some were praying for healing, some for peace, others for success in surgery, and a few for a healthy delivery of a child. How God must love those who are reaching out to feel His presence. What great fountains of love! There is even enough love to love those not wanting to feel His presence!
I read each request again and listened for what may be in the hearts of each request.
Each request was written because of an understanding that there is a God. Was written with the hope that God was approachable and that Her grace is palpable. I knew that the receptivity to prayer and an open acknowledgement of God were sure of success. God answers prayer. God loves His own.
A woman came in and sat down. We both were quiet and praying. At one point, I turned to her and welcomed her and asked if she needed anything. She nodded a thanks and then we went back to our own prayer work.
Soon, she whispered, “Do you think it is selfish to pray for oneself?” As we talked, she poured out her story, quietly crying. Her prayer was being answered. Gently, I assured her that turning to God is a good thing. Praying for yourself is needed as a way to nourish yourself. She turns to God because it is natural (as natural as a flower will turn toward the light.) I coudl assure her that there is always an answer and she is not alone.
In the gentleness of that quiet conversation, I hope she gained peace and hope. God answers prayers and she is one of God’s own.
JILL UPDATE: (Please note: prayer and support are being given 24/7 for Jill and for Iraq. To keep updated please click here for updates from The Christian Science Monitor and click here for updates from one of Jill's friends who tranlsates updates from Arabic newspapers as they become available.)
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