Spiritual resource to share: corrective purity

Sunrise on the Gulf of Mexico
On my four hour drive home last night, I listened to news on the radio as much as I was in range. Having such an intensive session of news reporting, I started seeing a pattern – of reporting anger, arrogance, ignorance, hopelessness, the awfulness of the human condition. This cancerous outcry for all the attention of the airwaves and all the attention of our thought woke me up.
We have a choice. We don’t have to accept this. I don’t want to be passive about this.
RE: the gulf – we
can (what an amazing word!)
sweep away the false and give way to the true. So what authority is given to us that we CAN do this?
The authority of omnipotent Truth - which is a synonym of God - is given to us to sweep away the chaos, disorder and mistake and see the brilliance, purity and power of Truth revealed.
The power of Truth – purity – is attractive and it is normal, natural, and factual that all those children of Truth (you, me, the people at BP, the people on the coasts, politicians and children and so on) be attracted and drawn toward Truth, honesty and purity.
It is our own purity that draws us towards those practices most reflecting purity, power and Truth. This is as natural as a flower turning toward the light, the river finding its easiest course, the stately progression and growth of a redwood.
There is no obstacle in this natural progression. This means that the anger, conflict, arrogance, mistake, the threat to life and potential threat to future life, have no power, influence or substance.
We are not followers of the human drama. We have been called to demonstrate – to witness – God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. We are Christ’s followers, Truth’s followers, Love’s followers.
In following Principle, Truth, we remember that there are infinite resources, ideas and solutions that are at hand. Courage is a spiritual quality in ample abundance. Intelligent care is based on omnipotent Love and is accessible now. Innovation has its roots in Principle – a quality of God we all reflect. We can call on and expect brilliant solutions to any of life’s problems. If God is All, then there is no condition where God’s laws are not operating.
This is what we are called to demonstrate – to expect and to give our consent to the healing solution to this problem. There is a perfect solution that will bless all.
This fact established in
Science and Health covers all the bases for my prayer here.
S&H 99:23
The calm, strong currents of true spirituality, the manifestations of which are health, purity, and self-immolation, must deepen human experience, until the beliefs of material existence are seen to be a bald imposition, and sin, disease, and death give everlasting place to the scientific demonstration of divine Spirit and to God's spiritual, perfect man.
Keep praying. Keep revealing God’s power in your life.
Thursday evening: This just in !Good friend Isobel added these comments:
Isobel Sally Davis May 20 at 11:23am
This quote is phenomonal! Perfect quote to lift thought with all the talk of oil probably getting a ride on the loop current and gulf stream. thank you for that!
Another quote that keeps coming to mind relates more to the moral aspects..."..
.level wealth with honesty..." Whether it is a plane crash due to negligence of the pilots, or a natural disaster caused by the collective belief of chance, I think it's a great opportunity for moral progress. Not that the oil companies are evil, but the temptation for oil companies to cut corners to increase profits, and for the government to let them, needs correcting.
Also, the claim that human error can ever cause catastrophe is something that needs challenging. I am working on that all the time, stepping away from human responsibility and blame. Stepping away from ego and having the courage to claim God's control and power. "let" the reign of divine Truth Life and Love. When will humanity learn that they have power over the weather, etc.
Isobel Sally Davis May 20 at 11:34am
It wasn't letting me finish.... when will humanity learn that God is omnipotent, and has authority over tornados and ocean currents! (I include myself in this). You might be interested in an article on spirituality.com by me about "
safe in the eye of the storm" where I was forced to defeat my fear of weather and had a perfectly harmonious experience at sea. I was able to gain a taste of the culture, social and political systems, and wildlife while I lived and worked in Louisiana. It gives me many more thoughts about this whole thing! xo
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