The principles of Christian Science are simple.
God is omnipotent, supreme, all good. Man is spiritual, made in His image and likeness. Matter, not coming from God, is unreal. (See the “Scientific Statement of Being” from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy p. 468)
When it comes to the “Matter is unreal” part, sometimes there is a hoopla of protest. Arguments arise such as “How can you ignore matter?” or “How can you dismiss the pain, the suffering, the evidence of materiality?” or “Christian Science does not take into account the full spectrum of the human experience” etc. These are heartfelt and thoughtful comments and questions in an age where spirituality has become the most sought after aspect of our lives today ( See Patricia Aburdene’s Megatrends 2010).
I have to agree: the principles explained by Christian Science about God and the relations of God and man are simple. In fact, when I took a course of instruction on Christian Science healing, my teacher would often expound on a principle, explain its application to the healing of some discord and then summarize it with “It is all rather simple, isn’t it? I don’t know what all this fuss is about!”
However, I would like to attempt a response to the comment that Christian Science is simplistic or ignores the human condition.
Because it is a Science, I will explain it in scientific terms, and then because it is Christian, I will explain it in Christian terms.
Because it is a science
In terms of Science, we can use the analogy of the scientific principles of mathematics to better understand Christian Science.
The principle of multiplication, for example, is a complete principle. It is simple, fixed, and consistent. It has no awareness of the incorrect applications of multiplication, is not aware of how many people use it and how may people don’t use it. It is a principle, a rule, a law. When we understand this law, all of a sudden, accounting becomes easier, we can figure out large quantities of things faster, we see how it helps with economy, well, even communication across all industries. We use this principle of mathematics in almost everything we do and are able to solve problems. Our lives take on a higher level of functioning.
Likewise with the Christian Science principle, for example, of man’s inseparable relationship to God: This is a simple, fixed and consistent principle, a law of being. For those who understand this law, it is found that the daily operations of life become easier. Lives can take on a higher level of functioning where health, prosperity, love, honesty and blessing others are more evident. It is not needed for a Principle of Love to understand all that is not love - just like the principle of multiplication does not need to include any erroneous application of multiplication.
But, you might ask, what about those who do not understand, who suffer greatly, who do not agree with this principle?
Because it is Christian
This is where the “Christian” part comes in. Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health “Christian Science is aflame with divine Love” and explains the Christ as the application of these principles “the divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error.” (p. 583) The great sacrifice to make these principles known is seen by many as Christ’s suffering on the cross. His resurrection from all suffering and death, (from spiritual, mental and physical suffering and dying) served to show us the way out of suffering ourselves. It is God’s great love for us that we are shown this way. It is Love that leads us to share the broadest application of these divine principles. I think that it is love for all mankind, in all ways and at all times that has always been the motivation behind making these healing principles known. These are the principles behind universal salvation.
Under the Christian impulse of these divine laws, a rush of love for all mankind comes in to heal pain and diseases, to comfort, to bless, to love. Not one element of the human condition can be hid from the application of these healing, uplifting laws.
Science and Health has the full statement of Christian Science. It shares these principles of divine Love (or God) and then shares how these can be applied. Someone once commented about Science and Health’s content: 5% is about the absolute principles of God and man and 95% explains how those principles are applied.
The principles of Christian Science are simple, applied universally in millions of different ways. If you have ever comforted a crying child, or felt joy release you from grief, you have experienced some of these principles yourself. If you have ever seen the healing of a physical ailment happen more quickly when thought was filled with more love than fear, then you understand a bit more about the healing power of God as Love.
Consider the mind-blowing possibilities of this -- What if we understood and studied the law of Love with as much intensity as we study the laws of gravity? What if we practiced the law of Love with the same exactness as we take daily medications and exercise? What if we shared what we were learning of the principles of Truth and healing as readily as we would share food to a friend who was hungry? If we did this, our communities, nations, our world would learn to soar!
My hope is to lift the imposition that these principles are simplistic, so that more can avail themselves of these principles in their lives and experience the release from suffering, the higher experience of beauty, and the blessings of an abundant and happy life that an understanding of these principles bring.
It is love that motivates me to do this. It is love and the eager anticipation of seeing limitations shattered, brilliant solutions to problems exposed and the sweet and beautiful development of individuals realized.
JILL UPDATE: (Please note: prayer and support are being given 24/7 for Jill and for Iraq. To keep updated please click here for updates from The Christian Scince Monitor and click here for updates from one of Jill's friends who translates updates from Arabic newspapers as they become available.)
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1 comment:
It's incredible to me to read this blog the day after I go to a lecture given by Martha Moffitt on "What is Christian Science and How Does It Heal?" Mrs Moffit is married to the president of Principia College. It's like Father is saying "Get back to the basics!! Remember who I AM and who you are. Remember our relationship and therefore all other relationships! Remember that 2+2 can never equal 6 no matter how many times you try!"
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