A compass that I have used for years is prayer. In praying about this next step, I place my son's future in God's hands and then talk to God until I feel confident in taking one direction or the other. This usually comes in the way of feeling a sense of freedom, flow and growth.
All along this prayerful path ( which I am on right now as I type), I am dropping my own prejudices, preferences and assumptions. I can see some of my preferences have a bit of a selfish motive ( this school offers what I want him to do, the other school is where he can be close, this school allows a course of study that I have found important, etc.). These are dropping like moths. The biggest moth is my own emotion. I am incredibly sad because I will miss his company so much, but am reminded that we always knew that he would be launching one day. This is what children do.
My son is a child of God. So am I, so is his dad. We are now entering the arena of all of us, the dad, mom and the soon-to-be-launched kid - all of us are children of God. All of us can hear God's voice, and follow God's leading.
That feels like we just cleared the runway. Now, we can look again at our choices. But prayer gives me a different set of questions:
Which channel offers the greatest freedom, the greatest growth, empowers him to learn with humility, give unselfishly, and still feel safe, connected and strong.
What direction feels logical, has a flow to it and gives one a feeling of infinite possibilities.
Sometimes in prayer, I have distinctly heard a small voice saying (something like) "This is the way". Other times, I follow my highest sense of right and trust that if it isn't the right way, I will be listening and make whatever adjustments needed.
Now, as I share these ideas with my husband and son, I trust even more that God is talking directly to each of them, and our collective prayer will lead us all in the right choice for my son.
(more to come....)
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