How long have you been a Christian Science practitioner?
I have been helping my friends and family as a practitioner for a long time. But it’s been only recently (since last April of 2005) that I have made myself available to do this work full time
What were you doing before becoming a practitioner?
My last job was with The Writings of Mary Baker Eddy – that’s the group that publishes Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and all her other writings. It was THE best job! I traveled all over the world and supported the wider distribution of Science and Health. I got to talk to Reading Room librarians, and lecture committees as well as many book distributors and bookstore owners from Asia, Latin America and Europe, as well as New Zealand and Australia. We talked about mankind’s search for spirituality and how Mary Baker Eddy’s book provides good answers. All of them warmly welcomed the books and sold them. In some cases, people reported back being healed just by reading Science and Health - Just like the testimonies of healing in the back of Science and Health!
How were you led by God to being a practitioner?
Pray – listen – a yearning to know more about this fascinating Science. I am still in awe of what Christian Science has to teach! One man from Armenia had read Science and Health (the full explanation of Christian Science) said that “This book could help unify nations in turmoil.” Another person who had just read Science and Health said, “I am healed and I am happy. Really happy.” Isn’t it wonderful to know that Christian Science can bring healing to nations as well as to our own individual experience!
What did you have to do to become a practitioner?
One requirement is that we take a two week course of instruction in Christian healing and then prepare for and attend one-day post graduate courses every year after that. Each practitioner has a teacher who becomes their teacher for life
Then, once a person has the burning desire to help others, and wants to make themselves available to others on a full time basis, they can advertise their name in The Christian Science Journal. They can also advertise in other places, like the Yellow Pages, on the internet and even in their local paper.
What type of benefits have you had since becoming a practitioner?
There is a LOT of joy in this work. In the practice, you help someone get a better idea of how loved they are, and how much God loves them. It is such a happy thing to see people be healed, have more happiness in their lives and gain more confidence!
Have you ever provided prayerful treatment for a child?
Henry, you have already met my two sons. We have had many wonderful healings! I have also prayed for other kids on a variety of issues.
Can you share with me how you were able to help a child?
I can relate a healing that my son Gabe had recently: One morning, I had a Bible quote come to thought. It was prior to a response Jesus gave to a man who had asked him a question: “And Jesus, beholding him, loved him.” I like the word behold. It is one of those full round embracing words.
Well, one morning, my younger son said in a very thick voice, “I kennud talk. Muh voiy ih gun and muh thro huhts.” (I cannot talk. My voice is gone and my throat hurts.)
And then the phrase, “and Jesus, beholding him, loved him” popped into my thought. I love my son. So I beheld him. It also occurred to me that he might have to stay home, then I would have to get his homework for the day and then he would spend the next two days catching up. This was not helpful. So I prayed. A simple thought: A germ does not determine what Gabe does, God determines what Gabe does. God determines Gabe’s day. This day belongs to God. Period.
Together Gabe and I talked about his identity as a spiritual idea and prayed with the Scientific Statement of Being from Science and Health (p 468). We finished. He finished breakfast. Got dressed. Said in a clear voice, “I’m off!” and took off for school, completely free of the sore throat.
What is one of the most memorable healings you have had?
When I was young, I had a healing of warts on my feet. ( You can read about this in the March 13, 2006 Sentinel entitled “My first call to a Christian Science practitioner”) I was nervous at first to call, but the practitioner was so happy and joyful because she knew that we were going to see new and wonderful things about God! Sure enough – I learned what a happy thing it is to know God loves me and my feet were all healed up in a day!
What is one of the most memorable healings you helped support as a Christian Science practitioner?
You know, every single healing is memorable. Every single lesson is precious, and each person brings to me a newer and deeper appreciation of the power of Love and of prayer as taught in Christian Science.
One time, I was asked to pray for a woman who had a very painful back condition. She said she really didn’t even like God, but she wanted to get rid of this pain. So I prayed and soon her back was healed and she said that she even felt she could love God. At her wedding later that year, she asked me to read excerpts from the Bible as part of the service! Not only was her back healed, but she felt more close to God.
Is there anything else you would like to share with me regarding your experience as a Christian Science practitioner?
It is so cool to know that everyone can be a practitioner --- at any age! When my two sons were very young, my older son healed my younger son of a bad earache. My younger son was in bed and in pain with an earache. When my older son came in to the room, I asked him to help me pray. He said yes, and then said to Gabe, “Gabe, let’s play!” Gabe woke up and they both ran into the other room. Micah knew instinctively that God made us to play and be happy! Sure enough, that was the last of the earache!
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