I have been thinking about how Truth (another word for God) works on human consciousness after reading how Jesus "[brought] to light the scientific action of the divine Mind on human minds and bodies and giving a better understanding of Soul and salvation."
You may recall the story about Jesus and the adulterous woman. In this story, she had broken a law and, by that law, was sentenced to be stoned to death. As a self-righteous crowd gathered, Jesus said to her accusers: "He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." One by one, Truth worked in the consciousness of each person, until everyone was gone. The story goes on to illustrate many salient points, but this point - about Truth working on consciousness - is the one that fascinates me today. Jesus must have trusted the powerful transforming effect that Truth has on each individualized consciousness.
Not only can we heal by understanding Truth, but this Truth is powerful, forever influencing and transforming thought to a change of base - from a limited materialistic view, to a spiritual, freeing and firmer basis. This has an impact and can turn around one's challenge at the office, dissolve the discord in a community and change the direction of a nation.
Jesus' clear declaration and demonstration of Truth has worked on consciousness into a saving grace for all of the world to experience. That Truth is influencing a wider and wider sphere of thought and scientifically breaking apart supposedly rock solid fears of prejudice, lack and discord, I have no doubt. This is something we experience today.
Mary Baker Eddy wrote about the accumulative impact of Truth practiced faithfully and what we can expect. She wrote in Pulpit and Press (p. 21)
If the lives of Christian Scientists attest their fidelity to Truth, I predict that in the twentieth century every Christian church in our land, and a few in far-off lands, will approximate the understanding of Christian Science sufficiently to heal the sick in his name. .... When the doctrinal barriers between the churches are broken, and the bonds of peace are cemented by spiritual understanding and Love, there will be unity of spirit, and the healing power of Christ will prevail.
In my little neck of , literally, the woods, I am seeing this. I enjoy my conversations with the local hospital's chaplain where I am on the prayer team. When talking about the practice of healing prayer in churches, he commented that there are many churches that claim they practice healing prayer.
Harrison House is a Christian publishing house who supplies many of these churches. Their vision is "Proclaiming the truth and the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with excellence; and challenging Christians to live victoriously, grow spiritually, and know God intimately." They have published a little book called The Pocket Bible on Healing. (I don't know if they still carry it, as it wasn't on their website.)
Now this group is not affiliated with Christian Science, but acknowledges and encourages the practice of Christian healing. This is what is written in their introduction:
First Peter 2:24 in the Moffatt Translation of the Bible says, 'His [Jesus'] bruising was your healing.' Past tense! The Amplified Bible of this verse says, 'By His wounds you have been healed.' Again, past tense!
If the bruising and the wounds Jesus took at Calvary were for our healing - as well as for our righteousness and prosperity - why are so many Christians sick in their minds and bodies?
Solomon said God's word is life and health to the person who will meditate upon it and not let it depart from his or her eyes. (Proverbs 4:20-22.) It's time to rise up in your faith - believing and speaking what God says, as opposed to what circumstances dictate - for the resurrection Spirit that is alive in you as a child of God and that [which] is alive in God's word is greater than any sickness or disease. The compilation of healing Scriptures in this Pocket Bible has been made to help you rise up in your inner man and throw off all of the oppressive works of the devil (Acts 10:38) by believing, recieving, confessing, and acting upon these healing truths.
The following page of the book has a beautiful prayer. While reading it, I realized that there is lingo and references that I would not use, but the substance of the prayer has those healing principles that "approximates" what I have learned in Christian Science. The prayer reads:
I can't help but feel what an exciting time we live in. We can experience Truth and trust that it will continue to transform all of us into accepting the Truth of our being: that God is Love and we are His/Her children, being given protection, provision and harmony in all things.“Father, I now understand that it is your will that I walk in completeness, soundness, and perfect wholeness in my spirit, soul, and body. Jesus Christ, Your Son, and now my Lord and Savior, paid the price in full at Calvary’s cross for my health and well-being. I refuse to be robbed of this provision any longer, in Jesus’ name.
The alien forces of wrong thoughts, oppression, depression, torment, fear, affliction, infirmity, sickness, and disease cannot reside in me, because You live in me now, Lord Jesus, through the Person of the Holy Spirit. With the authority You have invested in me I command every alien force to be replaced by Your resurrection power.
Today, I receive an exchange of Your strength for my weakness; Your joy for my sadness; Your pleasure and delight for my sorrow and heaviness; Your hope for my despair; Your peace for my torment; Your prosperity of spirit, body, mind, finances, and relationships for any lack I have experienced; Your ability for my inability; Your acceptance for my rejection; Your obedience for my disobedience; Your soundness for my brokenness; Your comfort for my pain; and Your courage, Lord, for my fear and timidity.
I command my muscles, tissues, cells, and blood to come in line now with Your resurrection life, Lord Jesus. Thank You for fully aligning my spirit, body, and mind – and every other area of my life – with Your perfect soundness provided for me through Your shed blood at Calvary, Lord Jesus. Through daily doses of Your Word and meditation upon Your promises, Lord, I will walk in divine health, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.
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