There has been some progress on the situation in Darfur and I find this morning that I want to feel even more strongly the power of God in light of the full restoration of what the United Nations has called "the largest and most complex humanitarian problem on the globe."
So I have been drawing on my past experience asking myself: What do I know for sure? What have I demonstrated myself that I can re-affirm and build on spiritually? How can I pray about this situation more effectively?
Mary Baker Eddy's second sentence in her book on healing and prayer, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, states simply "...I speak from experience." Nothing can take away the experiences we have had, and those experiences where we have felt so strongly the power of God's love are uniquely ours forever. They become the foundation stones of our progress.
I can and have felt the power of God move in my life - with personal safety, reversing moral idiocy and breaking through the obstacles of red tape and bureaucracy. If I have proved these principles, it is easy for me to see that these principles are operating here and everywhere. My prayer this morning helps me to underline in bold markings what is True.
Personal safety
I remember river currents pulling me under a rock while I was kayaking. My simple prayer was to choose not to be afraid, to reach out to God and reach out my hand. This saved me and underlines the Truth that God is always guiding us, however severe or hopeless the situation.
Reversing moral idiocy
Once I was angry with a friend and turned it around. My experience with turning anger into love was a result of God governing my thoughts. This experience helped me understand how God directs Her creation and constantly talks with us and influences thought toward peace.
Cutting through red tape
I have had experience working to get spiritual books into countries where the government red tape was particulalry problematic. It took prayer and persistence, but unexpected ways opened up and we were able to accomplish what we set out to do. This experience was life-transforming to me in that I saw how our persistent prayer can lead us to see breakthrough in new ways.
Trusting Truth
"Truth is always the victor." Genocide will end. When we put our weight on the side of good, we will win. Combating hopelessness with the knowledge of God's laws of safety, progress and love - and accepting that these laws are working now - doesn't make them magically appear, but opens our eyes to acknowledge and support the inevitable progress of seeing a limited material basis of things yield to a spiritual, harmonious basis. Safety, progress and breakthrough are happening now.
Your influence for good depends upon the weight you throw into the right scale. The good you do and embody gives you the only power obtainable. Evil is not power. It is a mockery of strength, which erelong betrays its weakness and falls, never to rise. - Mary Baker Eddy
Photo Credit: Daniel PepperSpecial Thanks: eLeaP eLearning Management System©2007 SaveDarfur.org
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Kim...wonderful post! That sentence "I speak from experience" is the basis for every post, prayer, word of comfort, song of praise...it is all we can do...with Love, kate
Profoundly worthwhile post. It's significant that you posted this in the early morning hours. How can we sleep before having prayed for those in need? Keep it up, Kim!
Thank you, Kim for these truly inspired, inspiring, uplifting thoughts! Adds much fuel to prayer for this precious region and its children.
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