Had a deeeee-lightful talk with a friend the other day! "Why do we have to deal with all this negative stuff if we really believe that God is good and good is all?" This reminded me of a quote from Science and Health:
It is unwise to doubt if reality is in perfect harmony with God, divine Principle, ... since you admit that God is omnipotent; for from this premise it follows that good and its sweet concords have all-power.Why doubt, indeed! I started to see the logic in the question of my friend. This set me thinking out different types of answers:
What if we lived like Love is omnipotent?
Then maybe we would feel freer to compliment a neighbor (no fear of stirring up anger).
We would tell our spouse, our children or our best friend that we love them (no misunderstanding there).
We could tell someone we forgive them (no fear of losing anything).
What if we lived as if Truth were all-powerful?
We could tell the truth and not fear any repercussions.
We could feel spiritually powerful by being honest.
What if we lived as if Life were eternal?
We may have more courage to do the thing we have been avoiding.
We would stop forcing the issue (whatever the issue was - because we are more patient).
We would feel we had more time.
What if we lived by loving our neighbor as ourselves?
We would love more freely because we wouldn't be afraid of rejection.
We would be kind to people we didn't know and we wouldn't be afraid of distrust.
What if we lived knowing that there is one God?
We would be less afraid of everyone, because we all have the same Parent.
What if we lived knowing that we all reflect the infinite source of intelligence, one Mind?
We would feel less stressful, knowing that there are solutions to every sort of problem and complaint.
We would be more open and expectant to see new possibilities for any obstacle.
So how would you answer any of the above questions???
To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.
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