Spiritual resource to share: yielding to God

“Nothing I do has any impact.” Have you ever said that to yourself? The answer to that may be “You’re right!” Christ Jesus’ remark “I can of mine own self do nothing” has helped me overcome discouragement, disappointment and situational depression a number of times. The simple understanding that God (all-powerful and all-knowing) is the One who is governing shifts thought away from the small ego or self and moves it over to God.
Some years ago, I was increasingly getting tired and it was getting harder and harder to be inspired about the day and even get out of bed and go to work. Soon, I simply felt depressed and depleted. It was subtle at first, but I later realized that I had accepted that there was some opposing force to the work I was doing. Believing this to be possible had a demoralizing effect. MBEddy writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures “By conceding power to discord, a large majority of doctors depress mental energy…” I’m not a doctor nor was I going to a doctor at that time, but I could so relate to that sentence. It continues… “Knowledge that we can accomplish the good hoped for stimulates the system to act in the direction Mind points out.”
As I continued praying, I didn’t dive into reasons why I continually felt this way, or try to change those things or people I thought were opposing me. I dropped the focus on me and attempts to sleep or find other ways to flee from this gnawing negative feeling.
I focused instead on the nature of God as Truth and Love. Truth is the quality most associated with purity, steadfastness and stability. I thought about (and still do think of ) the nature of God as Love: it is inclusive, intimate and works unconsciously in the human heart.
Love and Truth are forces always operating, always transforming, and always expanding from a permanent basis. Much like light entering a darkened room.
I could trust the light of Truth and Love. I gained a better understanding of MBEddy’s statement that “(evil) is neither person, place or thing.” In the omnipotence of Love I saw that there were no lesser minds spewing out opinions that could ever obscure Truth. I realized I could not be targeted nor could I target any one thing or person.
It was my trust in Truth that helped me see that good works are possible. In another idea from Science and Health, MBEddy writes, “Truth overcomes both disease and sin and reassures depressed hope…It imparts a healthy stimulus to the body and regulates the system.” And in the organization I was working in, there soon grew a healthy stimulus to the organizational body. And I could go forward trusting Truth and Love to regulate the system.
So my answer to the feeling of futility and depressed thought? Just trust. Amazingly simple. Profoundly effective.
Some years ago, I was increasingly getting tired and it was getting harder and harder to be inspired about the day and even get out of bed and go to work. Soon, I simply felt depressed and depleted. It was subtle at first, but I later realized that I had accepted that there was some opposing force to the work I was doing. Believing this to be possible had a demoralizing effect. MBEddy writes in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures “By conceding power to discord, a large majority of doctors depress mental energy…” I’m not a doctor nor was I going to a doctor at that time, but I could so relate to that sentence. It continues… “Knowledge that we can accomplish the good hoped for stimulates the system to act in the direction Mind points out.”
As I continued praying, I didn’t dive into reasons why I continually felt this way, or try to change those things or people I thought were opposing me. I dropped the focus on me and attempts to sleep or find other ways to flee from this gnawing negative feeling.
I focused instead on the nature of God as Truth and Love. Truth is the quality most associated with purity, steadfastness and stability. I thought about (and still do think of ) the nature of God as Love: it is inclusive, intimate and works unconsciously in the human heart.
Love and Truth are forces always operating, always transforming, and always expanding from a permanent basis. Much like light entering a darkened room.
I could trust the light of Truth and Love. I gained a better understanding of MBEddy’s statement that “(evil) is neither person, place or thing.” In the omnipotence of Love I saw that there were no lesser minds spewing out opinions that could ever obscure Truth. I realized I could not be targeted nor could I target any one thing or person.
It was my trust in Truth that helped me see that good works are possible. In another idea from Science and Health, MBEddy writes, “Truth overcomes both disease and sin and reassures depressed hope…It imparts a healthy stimulus to the body and regulates the system.” And in the organization I was working in, there soon grew a healthy stimulus to the organizational body. And I could go forward trusting Truth and Love to regulate the system.
So my answer to the feeling of futility and depressed thought? Just trust. Amazingly simple. Profoundly effective.
Picture by Sonja Maneri "Omnipresent" copyright 2004
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To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.
hello friend.... love the amazing artwork here, and the story. so many of us were struggling then to make a difference, and still are.... and to know that our place in God's unfolding is secure and inevitable is so comforting.
luv ewe!
thanks for sharing this Kim...and welcome back! big hugs,
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