hiking through Mauricio's farmlands in the jungle near Puerto Viejo on the southeastern coast of Costa Rica
About halfway into our three week trip in Costa Rica, I remember waking up, dreading another hilly walk to our language school, reluctantly starting off the day. As I approached the school, I had a wake up call, or more specifically a wake up question: "Who am I going to be?"
I had been building up a litany of excuses to be tired over the last few days. Really, it had become quite a rut:
Oh - I am doing so much!
Oh - learning a language is so stressful!
Oh - I can't believe how steep, how long, how hot, how cold, how difficult, how high, how low, how complex, and just how tiring things were!
That question - who am I going to be? - helped me see that I was unwittingly setting the stage for fatigue. And ...is that who I wanted to be? Did I actually want to be tired and fatigued?? With whom and with what was I identifying myself?
I am ever so grateful to be practicing Christian Science where establishing our right identification with God is a regular discipline. I have taken to starting my day by broadening my understanding of God, the infinite and eternal Life, Truth and Love. Then I take time to understand just who I am as God's image and likeness.
- As I see God as Love, I see that I am made in the image of Love and I am naturally loving, learning and connecting with others.
- As I see God as Truth, I see that I am made in the image and likeness of all that is pure and true. I have integrity, honesty, clarity and order as my inheritance.
- As I see God as Life, I see that I am made in the image and likeness of Life - of all that is active, energizing, growing.
I could just as easily choose to think tiring and burdensome thoughts as I could choose to think thoughts of peace, order and strength. The difference is that thoughts of peace, order and strength have divine authority - are part of the spiritual substance of Life, God. Tiring and burdensome thoughts are finite beliefs, based on limitations and are ultimately, self-destructive.
So who am I going to be? A child of God made in the image and likeness of God? Or a tired and stressed mortal? When put in those terms, it was pretty easy to choose.
On the walk home from school that day, I was seeing more beauty; I identified more birds; the valley below the school was ribboned with clouds; I bumped into new friends on the way home.
I could easily identify and feel grateful that I am doing so much.
Every day I was gaining more mastery in speaking Spanish.
And every day I was seeing how beautiful, now majestic, how peaceful, how stunning, how articulate, how happy, and how timely my days were.
Who am I being? I had to agree with this: I am being the alert, active and grateful child of an all-loving, omni-active God.
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