In such a crowd, in such an emotionally packed service, what happens in a moment of silence?
In a moment, thought is quieted. In a moment, what is sacred is remembered. In a moment, our perspectives can change from one of chaos to calm, confusion to confidence.
A moment of silence can bring to remembrance all that is loved and all that can never be lost. Healing blossoms in the thought that is quiet and receptive.
In Science and Health, a story is related in which Mary Baker Eddy writes "I sat silently by her side a few moments." After which, the woman with whom she was sitting was healed.
What is it that happens in a moment of silence? What is it that heals in that moment?
"Become conscious for a single moment," writes Mary Baker Eddy, "that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, — neither in nor of matter, — and the body will then utter no complaints."
This has results. She goes on to say "If suffering from a belief in sickness, you will find yourself suddenly well. Sorrow is turned into joy when the body is controlled by spiritual Life, Truth, and Love."
Sorrow is turned into joy when we realize the power of Life asserts itself, the power of Truth establishes itself, and the power of Love harmonizes our lives.
We can yield to Love's supremacy in a moment. And in that moment, there is sweet release. There is peace and progress.
*The whole story:
A woman, whom I cured of consumption, always breathed with great difficulty when the wind was from the east. I sat silently by her side a few moments. Her breath came gently. The inspirations were deep and natural. I then requested her to look at the weather-vane. She looked and saw that it pointed due east. The wind had not changed, but her thought of it had and so her difficulty in breathing had gone. The wind had not produced the difficulty. My metaphysical treatment changed the action of her belief on the lungs, and she never suffered again from east winds, but was restored to health.
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