Spiritual resource to share:
a spiritually perfect starting point

Isn’t this wonderful news! People have been praying to see earth in its perfect orbness, and because they prayed so hard, for so long, and got different practitioners to work with them at different times, the earth responded and became round!
After reading Laurance Doyle’s article: A spiritual, higher view, I had to laugh just thinking about a hypothetical news article announcing earth’s “healing.”
Do we sometimes approach our healing work like this? Wanting to change what seems so real to us, we give our best efforts to try to change one so-called "fact" for another. We may feel that we need to achieve a level of spirituality that we don’t quite yet have, so we vow to try harder and harder and pray more and more. We’d accept even a little change.
But that’s not how Jesus healed.
Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick.Just as the world was always round and we needed to wake up to this fact, we start with the fact that we are made in the perfect image and likeness of God. Healing is about waking up to that fact.
As Laurance Doyle says in his article “The earth didn’t need fixing, but our thought of it did.” Likewise, who we are doesn’t need fixing, but our thought about who we are does.
Our spiritually perfect starting point also becomes our ending point. Just like the earth was found to be always round, we see ourselves as always whole, robust, and free - the image and likeness of God. The mistaken view is corrected and we are healed.
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