Here is a way of kind of listening in!
californiaeagle23: I have to ask you something!....Have you read the book "Conversations with God" by Neil [Neale] Donald Walsh?
Kim: I am familiar with it and have read portions. There is a film coming out produced by Spiritual Cinema.
californiaeagle23: Yup I know. What is your take on it?
Kim: Overall, good. There has been a deluge of books coming out exploring spirituality at a more intimate and practical level. I think these books, like Conversations with God are meeting a deep hunger we all have -- to know who we are, what we are here for and what is the meaning for life. These books are all good.
californiaeagle23: Do you know most of the concepts in the Conversations with God is no such thing as the Hell we think there is, and that there is no such thing as the devil, and the only thing God wants us here for is to co-create with him, and to remember who we are....and that God has granted us the same exact powers he has.... and that since we were created in the image and light of him, he would not want to have us burn in hell -- or what we think is "hell.” He says that "Hell" is not knowing who we truly are....: it is not the fiery wrath that everyone thinks it is
Kim: I have not read the book through. But the sentiment is one that is somewhat similarly discussed in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by MBEddy. Now THAT book I could talk about! Would you like me to share some ideas from that book?
californiaeagle23: yeah i would really like to hear your thought about it....because the logic described in that book [Conversations] truly makes sense to me: one of the things that I am having trouble grasping or really understanding is that....why would religion tell us that there is a hell......where we burn....when in reality....why would God want that for his children if we were created in the image and light of him, and truly are him....
Kim: good questions! It is like if God is love -- then why is He portrayed as unloving??
californiaeagle23: exactly! Its like....the book [Conversations] throws all religion out the window: and shows how institutionalized it is: and how it tries to teach something that is not real: and is totally against what God wants
Kim: In Christian Science God is seen as Love ( see 1 John 4:8) and as all powerful. If God is all powerful then nothing else but God as Love has power. Thus, evil has no power. If we give evil power, we are either saying that God is NOT omnipotent or we are saying that God is good AND evil, thus not all-loving.
californiaeagle23: well the book goes onto say that we make judgments of what is good and evil....and that it is really all relative: and there is really no such thing as good and bad. we just place those labels on people: based on our judgments: that are all relative: because what may be good to one person, is bad to another....or vise versa
Kim: I understand that good is the reality and evil is the unreality. Good has its own creative power, but evil needs someone to believe in it because it has no power of its own - thus it is relative. It is a hard thing in religion ( or theology ) to validate evil. There are many ways religions explain the source of evil, why bad things happen to good people, etc. But it is hard to explain simply because there is no logical basis for evil.
californiaeagle23: .......[The ideas in Conversations] make me look at life so differently....: Have you seen "The Secret?"It goes above and beyond all religion: and it troubles me a little bit....: but at the same time it brings me peace ; but its like, there are so many other people out there that need to read this....because my heart tells me that this is the truth... and that the institutionalization of what is hurting people, and not showing them the truth...just carrying out its agenda, but do you see what i am saying kim....
Kim: I understand what you are saying. In understanding God as one - all powerful - and understanding ourselves as made in His image and likeness, we have a principle or law to work out the problems of being. Evil - is something to be corrected, erased and replaced with the Truth of Being. That Truth can be a real comfort to others and can relieve suffering....
californiaeagle23: its like the logic of each point.....throws religion out the window....i think that is what took me back so much about the book
Kim: there are many religions - when you say "throw religion out the window" do you mean the religion that you grew up with?
californiaeagle23: yes....throw the religion i grew up with....its like....I know there is a God...but my beliefs after reading this book [Conversations] have completely changed so you will always just "Want" to be happy: but if you say "I AM happy" then you will be getting somewhere in your growth.
Kim: wonderful! Stating I AM happy is stating a great scientific Truth. you are starting at the correct standpoint when you start with Truth!
californiaeagle23: exactly: and its like....when you say....I are expressing lack.....and when there is lack in...there will always be lack out: and you will always just want....and the universe will be like that....
californiaeagle23: if you pray...."God please do this or do that or have this happen for me..." when you pray like that you are expressing lack...and will only get more lack
Kim: Yes, your prayer is acknowledging the presence of lack. Difficult starting point.
californiaeagle23: but if you say..."God thank you for helping me find success, and more abundance in life" that is what you will get over time...: time is the buffer between what is, and what is to come and by vibrationally aligning yourself with that in which what you want, and already feeling like you have it, you can create anything and everything you want in this life
Kim: I think it is not time but awakening. When we awake to see what we already have. See the story of Hagar in the Old Testament where a woman is banished to the desert with her son and feels that all is hopeless -- until she hears an angel message to open her eyes -- which she does and she sees a well in front of her. The water from the well sustains her and her son and they live. It wasn’t that her prayer made the well appear, but her prayer made her open her eyes to see what was already there.
californiaeagle23: yes, I read it: and being in the attitude of gratitude....attracts more of what you want
Kim: Yes! Let's take this higher
californiaeagle23: yes: real quick.
Kim: Prayer is not simply a form of positive thinking or an Aladdin's lamp!! It is not for the blessings of acquiring things, but for the blessing of knowing we are governed by divine Mind who is the source of abundance, blessings, and goodness.
californiaeagle23: exactly: that is what prayer is
californiaeagle23: on "The Secret" there was this woman diagnosed with breast cancer and in 3 months she healed herself just by saying daily "Thank you for my healing" with no chemo or no radiation
Kim: gratitude is a powerful healing agent bringing purity, protection, openness, willingness, humility and acknowledgment of God into thought and thought determines the outward and actual.
Kim: In many of the books coming out - it may seem that we are the creators of our wealth - that positive thinking is what is needed to get us what we want.
californiaeagle23: yes....but there is a missing link to that knowledge...: you need to feel like you already have it....and send out those feelings to the universe to answer; its the feeling that causes the attraction, not just merely positive thinking
Kim: But the highest form of prayer is more than just going after a feeling. It is an acknowledgement of God as omnipotent good and we are here to reflect that goodness in millions of different ways. It is more than the feeling that causes the attraction. It is waking up to what already is. Prayer is not about human accomplishment but about divine acknowledgment that God already has met and already will meet every human need.
californiaeagle23: yes: i don't know...this is just amazing: you should pick up the Conversations with God book and read it just to see what I am talking about....because my words don't do it justice
Kim: I know that it has helped many people and inspired them with their lives, so you are not alone! it is amazing the study of what is infinite and good and true brings infinite blessings! I have read parts of it and enjoyed it.
What I have found in my journey is that many of these books - by Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsh, people who write about the spirituality of everything, etc.... have some of the ideas that I have been studying and practicing throughout my life. For me, they speak in very accessible language many infinite truths. I keep going back, however, to Science and Health. This is the most pithy book on the subject of healing through prayer., my relationship to God and the universe. I am amazed how constantly challenged I am by it and how much I grow from it. I have been healed by reading this book. (check out my website under Healing Resources)
Kim: so I find where I applaud books that come out delving deeper and deeper into practical spirituality and the understanding of a universal God governing all, I get most out of Science and Health and keep coming back to it.
californiaeagle23: hmmm interesting. yeah its like after reading this book, and watching the secret.....i can achieve anything i want in this life
Kim: I am delighted to hear how your spiritual journey is evolving.
californiaeagle23: because if feel like i have the highest spiritual truths of the universe
Kim: We receive according to our asking, but if we pray with the wrong motive, we don't get it. That's a Jesus statement.
californiaeagle23:agreed: for me i feel in complete line with what i want, why i want it, and what I plan on doing....: its like for me.....the money is secondary.That didn't happen until my father died: for me its about the relationships with people: helping people realize their full potential: helping people get to where they want to go: and having me help them get there: and touching the world one card at a time, helping people with their health, and helping high school student athletes get into college to play their sports
Kim: MBEddy writes "Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind and happiness would be more secure in our keeping if sought in Soul. " Sounds like you are looking in the right direction!
californiaeagle23: I truly want from my efforts to be a full time MLMer [Multi Level Marketer....aka Network Marketer], and to be able to have the freedom to run my business dealing with the high school athletes
Kim: It sounds like you are tapping into this happiness already.
californiaeagle23: and with what I know now.....i know that is possible: its like i am infinitely happy: i am higher than high .... its is not about me: that is my attitude: and the attitude that i have is....I have nothing to lose: and another thing i live by is....If you want to make God laugh show him your plans : and another....Life is a journey back to God
Kim: I love that! Life is a journey back to God.
californiaeagle23: its like....i don't have the attachment to material things like i did before my father died...because i have the inner happiness inside of me, and the attitude that everything that is material really is meaningless in the end: but that doesn't mean i would still like to have the nice house, and nice cars, and nice lifestyle
Kim: And you realize you have the substance of Life - forever
californiaeagle23: exactly: this life is not the only one i have: it goes on into the spirit world : where i will be reunited with my father again
Kim: Thought does determines experience. It is interesting to think about what death does not do. As children of God we reflect eternal life. We are ideas of God. Eternal. Your father's life is eternal as well. What death does not do is separate us. How can death separate two eternal ideas joined by the one Father-Mother God?
californiaeagle23: i know.....i have already experienced so much of my father since he has passed...i have to tell you something....
californiaeagle23: I went to a spiritual medium.....: and my father came through so strong with his personality his wit and it was just so peaceful to know....and experience what I did in that session: and it made me realize that we don't know the time of our death, and also that the most important thing in this life are not things, but rather the relationships with have with people....because in the end, those are the only things that we take with us on into the spiritual world
Kim: I have been told it is not difficult for someone to pick up the strong impressions another has made on your own thought. It is even more wonderful you don't need another person to feel God's presence -- the same presence your father can feel now! You are connected by God. And we live in a spiritual world now. Jesus Christ said many times - the kingdom of heaven is within you.
californiaeagle23: yup: its just in a different dimension
Kim: The more awake we are to the spiritual things of God, the more we see that all things are possible to God
californiaeagle23: yup
Kim: This has been a great conversation!
Californiaeagle23: I know: I love intellectual conversations like this
Kim: How would you feel if I editted this for typos and put this conversation on my blog? Please feel free to decline if you want. But you bring up some wonderul universal questions and comments!
californiaeagle23: I would love that! Have people feel free to contact me: here is my e-mail address....: and I am a junior at Boston College.
Kim: WELL - if you are looking for college kids to hang with who are talking about these ideas all the time, check out the Christian Science Reading Room on Massachusetts Ave near the corner of Huntington and Mass Ave -- Back Bay area. Check the Reading Room out. I have a good feeling that you will find some peers thinking a lot like you!
californiaeagle23: kim i really appreciate it
Kim: ok - I need to get going - i have an appointment. But stay in touch - check out my blog tomorrow, you will be on it!
Resources talked about in our conversation:
The Secret
Conversations with God (which is now a whole institution)
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
The spirituality of everything - Publisher's Weekly
The story of Hagar in the Old Testament
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