One of my first real jobs was that of a math tutor working in a public school. It was in a poorer part of town, and it was there that I learned a deeper dimension about love and how it can dissolve any sense of "hell" or evil or ugliness.
Her name was Darlene and she was a middle school-age dynamo. Agressive, given to outbursts of anger, she easily intimidated other students even though, with some kids, she was half their size. Teachers had their hands full with her and many students just wanted her to go away. The word in the teachers’ lounge was that she had trouble in her family, and it seemed that the expectation for her bad behavior was justified.
I could also see she was bright, very alert and loads of energy. I made a conscious decision to love her. In order to be intimidated, one has to agree to be intimidated, and I didn't agree.
Two of my tutorees were girls from Mexico and spoke little English, so, with Spanish as my second language, I gave them special math lessons. One day, Darlene stormed up to us ( she apparently felt free to storm in on others) and demanded I tell her how to say "I hate you" in Spanish.
"Te quiero." I offered ( this means I love you) .
"Take-ye-arrow" Darlene yelled in my girls' faces. They looked at me questioningly.
"You just said 'I love you'" I explained.
"What!!! Tell me how to say 'You're ugly'!"
"Tu eres muy bonita." I said.
Again, Darlene got close to their faces, scowled and snarled at them "Two err as moo-ee bone-eat-a."
"You just told them that they are very pretty." Again my two Mexican girls looked from Darlene then to me to explain what was going on.
I laughed. Darlene laughed. I explained to my girls what was happening. They laughed.
Then I went on to share some other phrases in Spanish that Darlene could say to help make my girls feel more comfortable. It was like a secret language only a few would know.
From then on, we had a special bond. It was easier to talk with her. I knew that she knew that I knew she was a good kid. And I knew I would hold her to that, expecting that she could do good things, like help these newcomers feel at home.
It was a seemingly small victory, but it pointed out to me that the "hell" in people is a fleeting thing, dissolved by two things - a constant affirmation of love and a refusal to believe that anyone could be defined and confined by evil thoughts or actions.
I found this in Science and Health that sums up this law of Love, this principle that when applied, brings about a natural sense of harmony, peace and happiness. Mary Baker Eddy writes, “The eternal Truth destroys what mortals seem to have learned from error, and man’s real existence as a child of God comes to light. ( SH p. 288)
Her name was Darlene and she was a middle school-age dynamo. Agressive, given to outbursts of anger, she easily intimidated other students even though, with some kids, she was half their size. Teachers had their hands full with her and many students just wanted her to go away. The word in the teachers’ lounge was that she had trouble in her family, and it seemed that the expectation for her bad behavior was justified.
I could also see she was bright, very alert and loads of energy. I made a conscious decision to love her. In order to be intimidated, one has to agree to be intimidated, and I didn't agree.
Two of my tutorees were girls from Mexico and spoke little English, so, with Spanish as my second language, I gave them special math lessons. One day, Darlene stormed up to us ( she apparently felt free to storm in on others) and demanded I tell her how to say "I hate you" in Spanish.
"Te quiero." I offered ( this means I love you) .
"Take-ye-arrow" Darlene yelled in my girls' faces. They looked at me questioningly.
"You just said 'I love you'" I explained.
"What!!! Tell me how to say 'You're ugly'!"
"Tu eres muy bonita." I said.
Again, Darlene got close to their faces, scowled and snarled at them "Two err as moo-ee bone-eat-a."
"You just told them that they are very pretty." Again my two Mexican girls looked from Darlene then to me to explain what was going on.
I laughed. Darlene laughed. I explained to my girls what was happening. They laughed.
Then I went on to share some other phrases in Spanish that Darlene could say to help make my girls feel more comfortable. It was like a secret language only a few would know.
From then on, we had a special bond. It was easier to talk with her. I knew that she knew that I knew she was a good kid. And I knew I would hold her to that, expecting that she could do good things, like help these newcomers feel at home.
It was a seemingly small victory, but it pointed out to me that the "hell" in people is a fleeting thing, dissolved by two things - a constant affirmation of love and a refusal to believe that anyone could be defined and confined by evil thoughts or actions.
I found this in Science and Health that sums up this law of Love, this principle that when applied, brings about a natural sense of harmony, peace and happiness. Mary Baker Eddy writes, “The eternal Truth destroys what mortals seem to have learned from error, and man’s real existence as a child of God comes to light. ( SH p. 288)
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For more information, contact Kim or call her directly via skype!
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