Spiritual resource to share: love for our shared planet
Have I told you recently that it is cold here? We are into another day off of school for my son because the temperature is ridiculously below O degrees Fahrenheit. It has been so cold that is has lit up casual conversations with one another about what global warming might mean for us all and what we can do to reverse this.
My family recycles, keeps informed about environmental issues and supports some green groups, but underlying these actions is prayer.
Thought determines experience, and when thought is aligned with infinite Mind/infinite intelligence, we are open to literally infinite possibilities. This is where prayer comes in.
God, the Creator of the earth, saw everything that He made and announced it completely good. (See Genesis 1:31.) To take a look at the material scene, though, it would appear that deterioration, neglect, greed and ignorance have altered this view and put us on a dangerous course of further deterioration.
So, then, does God get shoved out of the picture? Hardly. And are we helpless to stop this downward spiral? Not at all. In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy writes, "Omnipotent Spirit ( another name for God) shares not its strength with matter or with human will." God, and all of God's attributes such as unconditional love, intelligent care, balanced systems have divine authority. God is at the helm of thought. And God is supreme good. God will not be overwhelmed.
The mental environment we accept is the physical environment we live in. So it is important that we identify with what has divine authority and work out from that basis, and accept only a mental environment that is sustainable, harmonious and pure. This then will become our physical environment.
- Out of an orderly thought comes orderly actions.
- Out of a loving thought comes loving provisions for the future.
- Out of a commitment to serve God comes a commitment to serve mankind
- And out of that commitment comes an expectation to find innovative solutions, a patience that fuels collaborative ventures and a persistence to continue working until we see the harmonious results we are praying for.
The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.
1 comment:
What a lovely post Kim...brava...love you
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