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Of all the thousands of things I love about the study and practice of Christian Science, one thing is that Christian Science applies to the smallest detail of life (like choosing an outfit!) to the healing of global issues. So, does Christian Science relate to interior design? Of course!
I just spent a weekend in my old neighborhood. On Sunday, I went to a church whose interior was totally designed by a friend of mine. She is very spiritually minded, and I knew that every single shade of color, every angle of a light fixture and every piece of furniture was decided on prayerfully. She uses the metaphysical principles of Christian Science in her work as an interior designer.
As I sat there in this church, I loved seeing how the color blended in harmoniously throughout the space, how the sound system was arranged so unobtrusively, how the light came in the perfectly arranged windows to maximize its effect.
Once she took my husband and I on a tour of
International Market Square to show us around while teaching us about light, color, space, etc. The lessons I learned there had immediate relevance to healing and my healing practice!
LightLight is central to every room as a room can take on so many different nuances with the different plays of light.
Lesson learned: Light is the key ingredient to healing.
ColorBoldness, subtlety, movement, distinction and harmony can be expressed in the choice of color.
Lesson learned: color, a quality of God, is an expression of Soul - a synonym for God. Each healing has its distinct color and tone. No two are exactly alike.
Spatial relationshipsThings that are small can look big and things that are big can be broken down into small.
Lesson learned: there are infinite possibilities within seemingly finite resources.
Focus pointsTo begin work in designing a space, choose a focus point.
Lesson learned: In healing, all thought begins with one focus point: God
Art/fresh flowersGood art, like fresh flowers, bring life, originality and freshness into a space. Good art should always make you think beyond the normal conventions of thought.
Lesson learned: Each healing brings fresh inspiration and spiritual growth. Each healing is an art form, a step of progress, helping us think further beyond a material sense of things to a spiritual sense where we can come home to the spiritual understanding of God and man.
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