Spiritual resource to share: spiritual activism

St. Francis
Oh, it is that hospital prayer team again. Their monthly program of inspiration has hit again, giving me yet another thought-provoking look at another topic to blog about. This time it was about St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment.
There is much to say about him, but there was one thing in particular about St. Francis' work and mission resonated with me: he sought to reform the church from within the church, always working within its discipline. He was bold, uncompromising and true to God - consistently - without fear of failure or fear of being outcast. He spoke his truth and was not afraid to stay within the discipline of his chosen church. AND neither did his chosen church limit his truth.
The danger of organization is that it can get you to stop thinking and to go along with whatever is convenient. The power of organization is that it can unify thought toward a higher more spiritual purpose.St. Francis' involvement must have been of that higher sort. He stirred thought - radically - and influenced an entire movement.
It's given me much to think about.
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what a lovely mentor he is...and so are you...to so many...with Love, Kate
This is so interesting. All I had known about St. F was the animal caring side of him. I had never heard that he influenced his church, much less WHAT changed.
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