
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

already employed

Spiritual resource to share: value

Once I was very much in need of a job and feeling a bit desparate. The resolution to this dilemma was so complete and I had such a good outcome that I thought I would share it.

I was on my way to an interview when I saw a poster in the window of a Christian Science Reading Room that read "You are already employed." I quickly turned the corner, stepped on the brakes and ran in. "What does this mean?" I asked the person on staff. The staff person looked at me and smiled and we had a wonderful discussion.

The conversation left me understanding more about God and
  • my completeness - my life has everything that is needed; and this is supplied by God who "always has met and always will meet every human need." This includes being employed right now, utilizing all the spiritual qualities that God has given me.
  • my mission - God maintains and sustains my identity and my purpose.
  • my future - God exists in the eternal now; I can see and be grateful that I can count on Her guidance and His protection always, just as I had in the past and was doing at that time.
  • my value - God created everything in His image and likeness; all things created by God have value, purpose, dimension; and all ideas are harmonious - God's ideas don't compete with each other, judge each other or withhold something of value from one another.

I went on to the interview with such confidence. It was clear to me that not only was I going to be interviewed, but I was interviewing my prospective employer. We both wanted to determine what was a good fit.

With the confidence of knowing I was already employed, already valued and that we all ( in that interview scenario) were united in the same purpose, I went in to the interview, aced it, and started work the next week!

To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.

1 comment:

Kate said...

thanks for this...I have already shared it with some you, K