Once while I was in grad school, two of my favorite professors were in my tiny office and got embroiled in a debate about whether or not mankind is revolving or evolving. One was a retired Senator who was practical and tactical. The other professor taught global issues/future studies and was insightful and delightful.
One argued that mankind is destined to repeat history and one can project trends into the future based on the past. (This was the ex-Senator.) The other argued that mankind constantly grows into higher levels of consiousness and pointed out the impossibility of ever going back to the past to determine the future. After all, can we go back now and say that the world IS flat? (I mean this literally, not figuratively, Mr. Friedman.)
The debate ended when it was time to eat, and it was resolved that mankind is evolving in an upward spirally type way, making some of the same mistakes amidst an ever evolving and improving background. Think of a metal spring wire on end.
So why should we care?
We care because care makes us hope. Hope gives us the juice to rise above our present situations and to grow. Growing means living. MBEddy writes
The fact that Truth overcomes both disease and sin reassures depressed hope. It imparts a healthy stimulus to the body, and regulates the system.
I think that this applies to all systems - not only bodily systems, but organizational systems, education systems, and other methodologies. To understand - not just believe - that Truth is our basis for reality, principle, wholeness and order is a happy thought. And restored hope in the possibility of progress is powerful!
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