Now that I have literally hundreds of these blogs, I find myself browsing through them, looking at past lessons learned, my gradual improvement at writing, continuing spiritual growth. When I came across this one blog, I was surprised how much I still feel the same way I did when I first wrote it. But then, Christian Science is like that for me. It is always fresh.
Here is the old blog:
Recently I was talking to a number of other Christian Science practitioners and we were all asked this question: What intrigues you most about Christian Science. Their answers were clear and varied. One practitioner loves the sound reasoning of Christian Science. Another practitioner loves how effective Christian Science is at problem solving. Another practitioner commented how Christian Science taught her to move through the world with dominion.
As for me, not only do I love the fact that Christian Science is so many things to so many people, but I am most thrilled to know that Christian Science spells out the universal law of Love and shows how to apply it to every situation imaginable.
Let me break this down as I understand it.
Christian Science is the science or the "how to" of Christianity.
Science is all about a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific laws or the application of certain principles that bring about a consistent result.
Christianity is based on the teachings of Christ.
Christ is all about the expression of an omnipotent and omnipresent God (Love) in our human experience.
So, Christian Science explains "how to" do universal love, how to be loving, and be loved, and how to heal and harmonize with divine Principles of Love.
OK, so the thrilling part of this again is that these principles of Love find receptive hearts everywhere: with your immediate family members with whom you live and in situations a half a world away. Regardless of any human category you put yourself into or any situation you find yourself in, there is a principle, a law of Love, which when applied, brings the human picture into harmony.
To practice Christian Science means a never-ending discovery into the depths of understanding infinite Love and feeling the effects of Love's harmonizing influence. It has an impact on our individual lives. Christian Science has an impact on communities and nations. It seems to me that Christian Science explains the science of genius, of all that is brilliant and good and enduring. Through the science of Christ's teaching, we can all experience the promise that "with God, all things are possible."
Another friend commented that when she first read Science and Health ( the textbook of Christian Science) she was left breathless. It still does that to me, even after years of reading and practicing the ideas in it.
To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.
ha! I remember that conversation!
It still leaves me breathless too...what joy...
with Love, K
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