
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Perfect Justice

Spiritual resource to share: inspirational readings

I chose these selections from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy to get a clearer idea on the transforming power of God's law. Years ago, I took a number of courses including a course in Health Care Law. It was interesting to hear that all of our current thousands of laws on the books have their roots in the Ten Commandments.


From the Bible:

Ps 119: 97, 98

Ps. 89: 14-17

Ezek 44: 24

Exodus 20: 1-17

John 1: 17

Matt 5: 1-12

Gal 5: 19-23

I Pet 5: 6-11

Micah 6: 8

Prov 3: 1-4

From Science and Health

SH 4: 5

340: 9-22

174: 17

271: 21

184: 12-18

391: 17-18

36: 19-21

105: 3-10, 13-21

106:6, 15-19, 27-29

393: 16-18

63: 5-15, 18-20, 23-27

64: 1-2

65: 20-25

66: 6-7, 10

495: 28-31

467: 1-16

340: 23-29

From the Christian Science Hymnal

Hymn 111

Hymn 329

Hymn 12

To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Why I love Christian Science nursing (and you will too!)

Spiritual resource to share: an inspirational talk

Over the summer, I was asked to give an inspirational talk on Christian Science nursing.
You have to understand. I. love. Christian. Science. nursing.

In this talk, I was able to distill all of my experiences as a Christian Science nurse's aide and as administrator for a Christian Science nursing facility plus my additional and continuing inspiration and put it all into one talk.

The talk Christian Science nursing - for the dignity and defense of our Cause highlighted the full spectrum of influence of Christian Science nursing which "comforts an individual as well as elevates the race in its concept of care." It included this healing that happened to our family:

At one point, my husband badly strained his back, so much so that he couldn’t even partially turn his head without feeling severe pain. When our six year old son came in the room and jumped up on the bed, my husband screamed out in pain and scared our son. The little guy ran out of the room and came back and threw a copy of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy on the bed and pleaded – “Mommy – you take Daddy to your work!” He knew that there was a place where his dad could go and be helped. And it was obvious that my husband needed to be properly cared for in a way that wasn’t scary to our young family.

When we called a Christian Science nurse, she helped us assess the situation and let us conclude that he needed to be in a facility to receive proper care. An ambulance was called and she helped set us up at the facility, where my husband would receive around-the-clock care.

Although my husband was new to the study and practice of Christian Science, he said he felt so loved and cared for at the facility that it was tangible. In three days, he came home, healed and playing soccer in the yard with our sons.

So what was the impact of the role of the Christian Science nurse on this individual? He was blessed by being in that atmosphere where healing was expected – this helped him to expect healing. He benefitted by the practical wisdom and proper care of the nurses. They defended the atmosphere in the sickroom. He defended his thought. Their disciplined approach to care helped his disciplined approach to prayer and helped to remove fear.

In the end, his healing was quick and complete.

To read the entire talk, go to Hill Top Center's website and click on to "Inspirational Talk from Annual Meeting 2009."


To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.