
Friday, December 12, 2008

an advanced era

Spiritual resource to share: enlightened thought

It fascinates me to see how a church service is seen through the eyes of one newly introduced to Christian Science.

Most recently, I made a new friend who has been practicing Christian Science for a number of years. She is also an astrobiologist. She shared her first experience at a church service and her impression. "I felt like I had landed on another planet and was in an advanced civilization."

I just laughed! But I felt it was true! Mary Baker Eddy recognized Christian Science as being in advance of this age. But in order to make this understanding practical, she saw that "a great sacrifice of material things must precede this advanced spiritual understanding."

She goes on to say, "No impossible thing do I ask when urging the claims of Christian Science; but because this teaching is in advance of the age, we should not deny our need of its spiritual unfoldment. Mankind will improve through Science and Christianity. "

Reading Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and the Bible are the best teachers in learning how to practice Christian healing. Science and Health is full of encouragement along the way assuring us that "spiritual ideas unfold as we advance" and that "evidences of progress and of spiritualization greet us on every hand."

In my own practice of Christian Science, I find that I am constantly learning new things. Even though my list of situations and conditions healed grows, I am in awe of the depth of God's love and the detailed intelligence that governs all things - from the timing of a meeting to the balance of the stars.

MBEddy writes "Advancing spiritual steps in the teeming universe of Mind lead on to spiritual spheres and exalted beings. To material sense, this divine universe is dim and distant, gray in the sombre hues of twilight; but anon the veil is lifted, and the scene shifts into light."

As I shed more of my material beliefs - and to me this means anything that limits, divides or deteriorates - I also see more of how omnipotent God operates. And the more I understand about God's ever-present Love, omnipotent Truth and intelligence, the more things unGodlike ( or material) fall away. The scene is shifting into light.

To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.

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