
Friday, April 14, 2006

Easter and renewed hope

My son and I were talking about Good Friday and its commemoration of Jesus' crucifixion, his time in the tomb, and then his resurrection.

I had never thought of this before, but it came to me as we were talking that the tomb must have been a welcome rest. Having almost been overwhelmed with the chaos, grief and torture of the crucifixion, Jesus could be quiet, with only God and angels as his audience.

What was Jesus doing in there? Everyone thought he was dead, so there wasn't even the possibility of being summoned for help, sought after by officials, or questioned by the disciples. He had three days to drink in his communion with God, feel the peace of Love and the gentle assurance of his mission/God's purpose being fulfilled.

What love he must have felt! So much so that it trumped the hatred and confusion, turned death on its ear and gave us a way to understand that life is triumphant!

This understanding lives today!
Happy Easter! Or as the early Christians used to say when greeting one another "He is risen!"

(See also an article from "The power of resurrection brings hope")

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Laura said...

lovely post! I'm linking to it today.

He is Risen!

Elizabeth said...

Wow, Kim. Neat idea about Jesus' time in the tomb. It surely must have given him peace after all that had gone on! And literally the time to enter into the closet and shut the door.
