
Friday, February 04, 2011

"the calm, strong currents of true spirituality"

Spiritual resource to share: putting trends into perspective

I am a self-proclaimed trendoid.  I am fascinated with new developments in thought, innovation, and the way social mores are formed.  I like to track what I consider to be the spiritual evolution of mankind, and in so doing, I read, collect and research what is meaningful in popular thought.

There is an important distinction, however.  Trends are an effect, not the cause of any spiritually significant progress. Similar to the way I don't look at a healthy body to determine my spiritual health, but seek to understand the supremacy of God, Spirit, and that understanding results in a harmonious body. 

So trends can be a sign, sometimes elusive, sometimes quite telling, that the spiritualization of thought is progressing. 

Mary Baker Eddy writes a bold, scientific statement of being  which says in part " is not material, he is spiritual."  And consciousness is slowly moving from a material basis to a spiritual basis.

Opinions, emotions, denominationalism drop away as we see the rational, logical and harmonizing influence of true spirituality.  It is our spirituality that propels us forward.  And progress requires us to continue to nurture our spirituality.  Mary Baker Eddy writes "the calm, strong currents of true spirituality, the manifestations of which are health, purity, and self-immolation, must deepen human experience, until the beliefs of material existence are seen to be a bald imposition, and sin, disease, and death give everlasting place to the scientific demonstration of divine Spirit and to God's spiritual, perfect man."

Albert Einstein, in an address at the Princeton Theological Seminary on May 19, 1939, and in an address presented at The Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in 1940 said, “The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind faith, but through striving after rational knowledge.”

And that's what I look for when researching trends: the rational knowledge and practices that point to the spiritual evolution of mankind.

Another wonderfully good read:
Mark Swinney's The Next 90 Years from

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