
Saturday, February 19, 2011

prayer for Wisconsin - breaking through the quagmire

Spiritual resource to share: prayer - a steadying influence and a door to solutions

This just came in today and the following post is the reply for all of us in Wisconsin and beyond: 
...It seems that God isn't shining through nearly enough in our Wisconsin state government's leaders lately....
 I'm wondering if you're planning to offer any healing thoughts on your blog soon about the current Wisconsin government impasse. It seems that a lot of right thinking is needed to bring resolution to this situation! ...
 Any thoughts you can offer to help me and everyone else help to heal this situation would be much appreciated. .... By the way, I am a fellow Wisconsinite and love this state, and dearly want to see peace and prosperity restored.

Many of us in Wisconsin have been stirred deeply by the current government impasse.

It is in our face - we need to cut through the quagmire of emotionally held political stances and lift thought above the flurry of anger and accusation. We are all looking for a steadying influence to sweep away the drama and reveal practical steps toward a resolution.

This post will not be talking about the right or wrong of political actions, but will talk about the power of prayer to be that steadying influence that helps to reveal the just and right solution.

In our prayer, we recognize one infinite God.  What does this do and why is this relevant?

"One" – recognizes that we are all under the government of a unifying power of One: one Love, one Truth; we have no enemies, no strangers, no outsiders as the children of one God

"Infinite" – God is infinite and is reflected in an infinite number of ways.  Our patience, compassion, ability to love is broad and deep.  We accept the diversity of God’s creation under the one government of Love and Truth.  We accept that there are infinite possible solutions.

"God" – who is Love itself: the source of all that is substantial in our lives; the source of all meaning.  We each have a direct connection to Love and every one is constantly connected to and moving in harmony with Love.

Evil is not a person, place or thing.  Intelligent dialogue and care is obstructed when emotions run high.  When evil is given a name, a place or a thing, it would seem to give it more power.  But God, supreme over all its creation, did not make one person evil and another good; God did not make Wisconsin a chaotic out-of-control place, God did not make a legislative bill capable of splitting and dividing His people into two opposing camps.  One infinite God counters the falsehood that evil can be a person, place or thing.

Listening to the still, small voice of God.  Freedom and justice are not won by warfare, but by lifting ourselves above the turmoil to see the supremacy of justice and Truth.  Truth is not helpless and justice is not a variable human condition. Freedom to a full and abundant life is everyone’s right.  Taking time to pray, to ground oneself in the presence of God will do much to help pour oil on the waters of distress. 

Our trust in Truth to assert itself helps calm the thought and enables us to see possibilities and solutions where an impasse seemed to be the only possibility.

What can you do now? 

Pray – practice the stillness that lets in Love and affirm God’s intelligent care, constant communication and ever-present Truth.

Refuse to believe that chaos has control.  Refuse to add to the turmoil.

Heal the slightest irritation you have now.  This dominion over hatred, however small, helps you experience the Principle of Love that ends all hatred and fear.  The love expressed here and now adds to the atmosphere of peace that is contagious.

This situation is not bigger than God and God is able to calm the stormy sea and to bring blessings and righteousness to all.

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