
Saturday, November 05, 2011

Announcing! a new resource blog about Jesus' healing words and works

Spiritual resource to share:  lessons we can take from Jesus' healings

For all my Bible-loving friends who are in earnest to learn as much as they can about the how and what and who and where about Jesus' healings, I have put together a new blog as a resource anyone can use, and share their own comments and research if they want.

Check out:

This is not a commentary about Jesus.  Simply, I have listed Jesus' healings chronologically and then tagged each healing in a way to share, quantitatively, the types of healings, how the healings were initiated, the context or environment where each healing took place, the directives Jesus used and the actions that were taken.  To learn how to use the tags, go here:

This is going out to all and especially those friends who are fellow healers and those in our local Ministerial group.

Enjoy!  And please feel free to write your own comments in with the posts.  If you have more to add, please contact me and I'll add it all in.

1 comment:

Jerry McIntire said...

What a great service Kim! Nice to bring the healings together and make access systematic-- and easy.