
Monday, February 20, 2006

Hedgehog Love

... (for those following Jill Carroll's story, see JILL update below)

We have a new pet. A hedgehog.

Our new pet came to us over the holidays. My first impression was that it seemed to be a totally absurd animal whose main activity (aside from the basics) is to hiss and curl up.
"We think it may be autistic," said the friend who gave him to us.

My husband brings the hedgehog to dinner. (It is an African pygmy variety, so it fits right in his hand and in the front pocket of his sweatshirt. ) Together, we all coax it out of its curl with a bit of broccoli, cauliflower, or whatever the vegetable du jour is. He hisses, grabs the vegie and curls back up.

My husband coos at him. (We have named him Max Philburt Pointdexter IV for no apparent reason.) Neighbors come to see him and try to pet him without getting pricked. My sons take turns holding him with their bare hands and talk gently with him.

It takes some time to get him to trust us and to feel comfortable. Ever so slowly, he has been showing signs of a personality. Now, he lets us hold him and uncurls with more ease. I have even pet him and haven't been hissed at.

I know that he is coming out of his curl. And, at the same time, all of us are expanding our repetoire of the living things that we love, and learning to love with more patience and hopeful care.

Today, Max Pointdexter (etc.) is doing fine and so are we. It reminds me of a line from Science and Health (p. 57) that says

Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying, and elevating it.

This little hedgehog has put another warm spot on our hearts and taught us a sweet lesson to never give up on love.

JILL UPDATE: (Please note: prayer and support are being given 24/7 for Jill and for Iraq. To keep updated please click here for updates from The Christian Science Monitor and click here for updates from one of Jill's friends who translates updates from Arabic newspapers as they become available. Click here for a spiritual perspective on this issue and this watch.)

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