I had a bit of an epiphany today -- and that was that life is demanding. Not as in an oh-I-have-so-much-to-do type of demand, but a deeper impulse that demands expression, like the life-that-sprouts-up-underneath-the-concrete-sidewalk kind of demand. It is a calling out from Love to be who we are created to be.
Life (as a synonym for God) is demanding. It demands to be expressed and understood. Likewise, Love is demanding, and all the other synonyms of God (Truth, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Mind).
So when we feel despair, it can be seen as a desire- even a yearning or a striving - to feel more deeply those qualities of God that we inherently express. The hunger that we feel is a way to make room in consciousness to receive more understanding about God and our relationship to Him/Her.
This shifts the whole focus away from lack and identifying yourself with lack, to rightly identifying yourself with your innate spiritual nature - all of the qualities mentioned above which demand more and more expression. So, the despair that we feel has no power in and of itself to define us or to confine us. It is simply that desire to go higher. And with my friend's situation, we were able to shift thought from despair and lack to see all kinds of possibilities for her to go forward and find progressive activities.
To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.
Could this apply to anxiety as well?
love this post.... "I make strong demands on Love" and I guess it demands right back....
I think this is what the the practice of Christian Science is all about...reclaiming everything in our experience as "of God"...since God is the only Cause and Creator...it is only a misinterpretation of "what is" that would see ANYTHING as not "of God"...it goes back to that statement of Eddy's "All that is, is the work of God and all is good. We leave this brief glorious history of spiritual creation, as stated in the first chapter of Genesis, in the keeping of God, not of man; in the hands of Spirit, not matter; joyfully acknowleging God's supremacy, omnipotence and omnipresence." Isn't that all there is left to do when we really see that God is all that is causative...to reclaim everything in our experience for Him, see His hand in all things and joyfully acknowlege His Supremacy, all-power, and all-presence....to give thanks!!!
As you said Kim...it's demanding it of us...thanks for the reminder, love, Kate
love these comments!
And yes Dennis, I think this does apply to anxiety as well.
Anxiety is a demand to know more deeply our foundation of Love and our intrinsic and permanent peace.
"Life (as a synonym for God) is demanding. It demands to be expressed and understood. Likewise, Love is demanding...
I think this is the essence of the CS message and broadly the spiritual message behind all the traditions. Understanding leads to expression and expression leads to understanding......God/Love
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