
Monday, June 16, 2008

the unity of the cause erases all flaws

Spiritual resource to share: unity in surprising places

I loved this ad that came across my email recently:

For whatever differences we may have, it is easy to put them aside when the "Cause" is so compelling, that we are willing to drop our differences and align our forces to work together.

There are times when I have worked with others, and our united purpose was so clear and so loved, that minor hiccups in the process of furthering our purpose were easily forgiven, corrected or adjusted.

But there have been other times when I have worked with others and the purpose was not so clear or compelling. It has been those times where the little annoyances would flare up into major problems.

These experiences have caused me to look deeper than the organization's purpose to see what our deeper purpose and mission is in life. And that, I believe, is to glorify God. For that purpose, I work even harder to dive through conflicting human opinions to the bedrock of our spirituality. We are all children of God. God is good. God is all-powerful. God loves each of us. And in this light, I find I can forgive more easily, help others more selflessly and help to sharpen the focus of our work towards more loving and productive ends. The unity of the Cause - to glorify God - helps to erase all flaws.

To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I too, have found this to be true...the clearer the sense of mission and purpose, the less focused everyone is on their "own" agenda's, objectives, or paths to getting "there" (wherever "there" happens to be for each one) and the more consistent and cohesive the flow of mental molecules in the stream towards that higher purpose.

Thanks for the reminder!! THis really applies to almost everything in life...from healing, to family, to greening up our planet...

Do you think that's why so many truly wise people suggest writing a mission statement for EVERYTHING we do...individually AND collectively...

I am just now thinking of what was Jesus' mission statement? "heal the sick, raise the dead, preach the gospel, cleanse the lepers, freely ye have received, freely give" or "behold the kingdom of heaven is within" or "Love God, love your neighbor"

or his statement from the cross "for this cause came I"

Or Mary Baker Eddy's "drink with me the living waters of thespirit of my life-purpose, — to impress humanity with the genuine recognition of practical, operative Christian Science."

an agreed upon mission statement makes all the difference when the winds blow....

love you, Kate