
Monday, January 10, 2011

Important prayer neutralizing hatred for Tucson and for us all

Spiritual resource to share: other's inspiration and healing

The Christian Science Monitor recently posted an important healing article by Elise Moore that includes this idea:
There is a spiritual power that supersedes the operation of matter or human logic. Jesus taught his disciples how to engage this divine power on earth, when he gave them the prayer now known as the Lord’s Prayer. It begins by acknowledging our direct relation to God: “Our Father which art in heaven.” Then the prayer proceeds to affirm that God’s kingdom governs on earth.
We could certainly use a little more of that divine government to prevent outbursts of fatal violence that shatter the lives of politicians, innocent children, harmless bystanders, and their families. Hatred needs to be disarmed and neutralized. We might begin by addressing the angry rhetoric in our own lives. And our prayers can help stop the trend to demonize opponents in politics, religion, or the community and can help lessen the influence of those who are caught up in this trend. Fear feeds hate. Compassion quiets and comforts.

To read in full, click on here to:  Embracing Tucson after the shootings 

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