
Sunday, January 08, 2006

"Keep praying for us," he said - Sago mine tragedy

'Outside Weaver's funeral, 72-year-old Sam Felton said that's just what the families of those killed at Sago mine need. "Keep praying for us," he said.'

Our Sunday School discussion today was all about prayer, its centerpiece being the Lord's Prayer given by Christ Jesus to his disciples and used for centuries throughout the Christian world. "How would you use this prayer for someone caught in a cave?" one of the students asked. So off we went talking about how the Lord's Prayer was probably prayed during the ordeal at the Sago mines and still continues to be prayed for the families and for Randall McCloy, Jr., the sole survivor who as of this writing is still hospitalized.

There are so many praying about this situation now. To Sam and all those praying, we join you. I have always learned that the Lord's Prayer is a prayer that meets every human need. Below, is the Lord's Prayer from the King James Version of the Bible, the second line, Mary Baker Eddy's spiritual sense of each verse and the third line, inspiration that came to me as I was praying.

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father which art in heaven,
Our Father -Mother God, all-harmonious,
Our Father - We are all under one God, we are all in this together

Hallowed be Thy name.
Adorable One.
Life is sacred.

Thy kingdom come.
Thy kingdom is come; Thou art ever-present.
God was here with us during the tragedy, is with us now, and will be with us in the future

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Enable us to know, — as in heaven, so on earth, — God is omnipotent, supreme.
Imagine God filling all space, the space we breathe, the dark corners of doubt and the brilliant heights of praise -- God is the power we can lean on.

Give us this day our daily bread;
Give us grace for to-day; feed the famished affections;
Nourish us with your peace; we are united with those we love and all can feel that satisfaction and love.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And Love is reflected in love;
Forgiveness frees us to get on with the business of loving one another.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
And God leadeth us not into temptation, but delivereth us from sin, disease, and death.
Wherever we are, God gives us a way to deal with any situation we are confronted with. God helps us.

For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
For God is infinite, all-power, all Life, Truth, Love, over all, and All.
Amen! One of the miner's wives, Debbie Grove, said it best during her husband's memorial service. "Eternity is forever."

When hearts and hopes are broken, divine Love rushes in.

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