
Friday, February 02, 2007

a friend writes: "A Memo from God"

Spiritual resource to share: our healing stories

I can't get enough of reading people's healing stories -- their accounts of being healed through prayer. In each one there is a moment, or a series of moments, where thought is turning toward a more spiritual sense of things. This comes like a big "Aha!" or a slow reasoning of the thought that yields itself to understanding more about God as all-good, all-powerful and always present. The results are life-transforming, and one of its side effects is physical healing.

Recently a friend was healed of a back situation that had him flat on his back for two days. His prayer led him to a realization of what was fundamental to his own existence -- that he was loved, supported and cared for by God - always has been, always is, always will be. To explain this, he wrote a memo as if coming from God.

Memo from God

I made you. You were created out of My love for you. You are perfect as I am perfect. Your purpose is to reflect and express Me. That is My delight, as I delight in you.

Know that it is My pleasure to bless you with love, strength, intelligence, harmony - all My qualities. In fact, I have provided you with infinite resources to do My will.

It is important that you know you are My child and the finest of My handiwork. Do not be afraid. Fear will cloud your understanding of who you are and your relationship to Me.

Understand that I love you with a perfect Love, a Love that takes away all fear.

Know that I am providing you with every resource you need to do My will in your unique way. And it is your right to enjoy your being as much as I delight in you.

What I love about this healing is not only was he up and running after a short period of time, but his whole understanding of who he is shifted. And a simple and profound Truth, that we live, move and have our being in Love, in God, was understood and this brought very practical results: in the body conforming to this Truth.

There are lots more healing stories. Check out blogs from fellow healers in the right hand column or from or share your own here!

To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.

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