
Friday, July 06, 2007

the nothingness of nothing

Spiritual resource to share: the allness of God's being

OK - walk with me on this one. I have always been intrigued by MBEddy's comments about the nothingness of matter; and that simply by understanding this, we prove the allness of God:

The nothingness of nothing is plain; but we need to understand that error is nothing, and that its nothingness is not saved, but must be demonstrated in order to prove the somethingness — yea, the allness — of Truth.

So, recently I heard an interesting and fun fact: that darkness is measured by its degree of light and that cold is measured by degrees of heat. Hmmmm. So - darkness actually does not have its own entity. It can only be seen by definition of light. Likewise, cold is defined by degrees of heat, so cold really is not a thing in and of itself. This has some pretty cool metaphysical parallels.

Let's look at doubt, despair, shame, guilt, sickness, pain and envy. They are not really a thing - having an entity. They are no-thing, recognizable only by their degree of the somethingness of Truth. Are you with me?
  • Doubt is measured by the degree of confidence.
  • Despair, by the degree of fulfillment.
  • Shame, by the degree of purity.
  • Guilt, by integrity.
  • Sickness, by health.
  • Pain, by harmony.
  • Revenge, envy or rivalry, by love.
So, when MBEddy says:
Disbelief in error destroys error, and leads to the discernment of Truth. There are no vacuums.

.... it makes sense that we don't believe in the reality of error: darkness, doubt, etc. Its very nature is nothingness. And since there are no vacuums, it follows that all is divine Love.

What is wonderful is that if we are dealing with, let's say, pain or shame, we are already dealing with a degree of harmony and purity. We are already on the right track to gain more of an understanding of harmony and purity.

"The nothingness of nothing is plain" and by understanding this, we see the allness or "somethingness" of God, Truth.

I get it! But I could not think of an appropriate picture to put with this post. So, I put what seemed obvious.......nothing! Comments?

To share your thoughts on this or to explore this idea further, please feel free to be in contact with me, add your own comments below, email this article to a friend, or add to the healing finds and sites on the web to the right.

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